Yoga Class

I was in India when the United States began to shut down.  After my return, I got in one workout at my gym before all fitness centers in New York were ordered to close that night at 8 p.m.  My ballet class had already been cancelled.  I now needed to determine how I would exercise my body during this COVID-19 crisis.

On the last day of my India tour, I participated in a yoga class offered at the hotel.  Before returning to ballet classes five years ago after an absence of over two decades, I had been practicing yoga; and now seemed like a good time to return to that practice.    I recently heard about free yoga lessons on YouTube that were offered by a woman named Adriene.  She offers a variety of single class videos  from which to choose that are designed for all levels.  Among the offerings are several 30-days series of which I chose the latest, Home.  I am now up to a second series.  

My home setup
Yoga class in India at the hotel in Varanasi.

Please stay safe, healthy, and free of COVID-19.